Tanshaydar's Place
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Filed under: White Night

Nordrassil Radio Interview

I’d like to talk about the state White Night is in at the moment. Before release there has been some previews and interviews. ModSentry and TrGamer interviews are two of the I mentioned.

Today, it’s been exactly one month since White Night release.

It’s been downloaded more than 11.000 times, pages of beautiful and kind reviews, posts of storyline discussions, and today I got the chance to do an interview with the owner of Nordrassil Radio, Morfar. Interesting thing is, this radio does interviews with only internet stars; but since Morfar liked White Night, he made me an offer I cannot refuse, and I couldn’t refuse it.

This interview was already planned as I mentioned in my first postmortem post. There is a video that everyone could ask their questions. Now, those questions are answered.

Bear in mind, English is not my main language and this interview is nearly 50 minutes. It was quite nice and fun to talk with Morfar, so thanks man, I really appreciate the chance you gave me 🙂


Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

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